Keith Norris (CEO)

Board of Directors:

  • Spencer P Eccles (Ch)
  • Harold A Milner
  • Jared Hutchings
  • Keith Norris
  • Mike Morgan


Company Values:


– Our company is run on something much more valuable and precious than gold… Passion. We CARE about our customers, and we care about the products and services we provide.


– We believe in making a Difference.  We build products that make a difference in peoples lives and make work more meaningful. We enjoy working with other companies to find and fufill their own purpose.


– We strive to stay on the forefront of  ideas and technology.


– We believe there is always a way.


– We set goals. We are accountable to our commitments.

Get Organized!

– Organization is fun. We see the patterns in processes and systems.


– We believe balance between personal and professional life is a key to success.  We create products geared towards helping you achieve balance in your life.


– We know the importance of bringing good energy to our work.


– We are vested in our customers success and see their success as a means to our success. We succeed when our customers succeed.



Business Objective:

We are Goal-Oriented people and we bring a Results-Oriented approach to CRM. If you have any of the following goals, we can help.

Get Organized – Sample Goals

  1. To get all of my team planning using the same calendar system
  2. To get all of my Customer/Lead data into one place
  3. To teach my team members better time management practices
  4. To feel like I have control over my life
  5. To not miss appointments


CRM/ Customer Goals

  1. To know who all of my customers are
  2. To organize my customer data into one place
  3. To keep track of all of my interactions with my customers
  4. To know who talked to what customer and what was said/done
  5. To grow my customer database


Sales Goals

  1. To know what reps are working on
  2. To know which reps are working with which accounts
  3. To have a single sales process that everyone follows
  4. To have a centralized source of all sales data
  5. To get away from Excel spreadsheets


Marketing Goals

  1. To communicate more frequently with our customers
  2. To standardize our email templates and messaging
  3. To organize our leads into one place
  4. To follow up on all leads
  5. To make sure leads do not get wasted/overlooked


Project Management Goals

  1. To have happy customers
  2. To have better organized projects
  3. To get important project details OUT of my email inbox
  4. To be a better project manager


Customer Support Goals

  1. To provide great customer service
  2. To stop answering the same question over and over
  3. To keep track of all of the common responses
  4. To improve our First Contact resolution response rate
  5. To improve our First Contact time


Collaboration Goals

  1. To save time spent scheduling appointments
  2. To send fewer emails